[FNS-22] FusionAnalytics 1.0.1 Release Notes


FusionAnalytics Rev. 1.0.1


Status: 29-11-2011

Welcome to FusionAnalytics !

We appreciate your feedback. Please use the web form or send mail to:

These Release Notes describe what is contained in this release, provide
late-breaking news, and list additional documentation for the software.

For additional information on FusionAnalytics, please visit our website at:


The help for this product is now online, where it can be constantly updated
and refreshed. You can find it here:


For known issues and further support, please see the following web pages:




Key Issue Type Summary
FN-2147 New Feature Upgrade functionality for DCML applications
FN-2158 New Feature FusionAnalytics 1.0.1 Setup
FN-2148 Improvement Update Index and Stats reports insufficient permissions
FN-2166 Improvement APML application should pass the Server-ID to the extension points
FN-2168 Improvement Basic IP Address views
FN-2170 Improvement Enable the Archived Logfiles Management per default
FN-2174 Improvement Update help links
FN-2149 Bug Data truncation errors
FN-2151 Bug Unexpected parameter order while importing data
FN-2155 Bug Invalid log message about truncated value
FN-2156 Bug DCML field misalignment in CRASHPROTECTION table
FN-2172 Bug “String or binary data would be truncated” error when importing fadc log files
FN-2176 Bug Horizontal Axis labels rendering backwards
FN-2177 Bug TBC within accordion hangs at 67%

Issue Details

Type: Technote
Issue Number: FNS-22
Components: Setup
Resolution: Fixed
Added: 23/11/2011 21:47:10
Affects Version: 1.0.1
Fixed Version: 1.0.1
Related Issues:
  • FNS-26 – FusionAnalytics 1.0.2 Release Notes
  • FNS-28 – FusionAnalytics 1.0.3 Release Notes
  • FNS-9 – FusionAnalytics 1.0.0 Release Notes

[FNS-26] FusionAnalytics 1.0.2 Release Notes


FusionAnalytics Rev. 1.0.2


Status: 24-04-2012

Welcome to FusionAnalytics !

We appreciate your feedback. Please use the web form or send mail to:

These Release Notes describe what is contained in this release, provide
late-breaking news, and list additional documentation for the software.

For additional information on FusionAnalytics, please visit our website at:


The help for this product is now online, where it can be constantly updated
and refreshed. You can find it here:


For known issues and further support, please see the following web pages:




Key Issue Type Summary
FN-2143 New Feature Simplified SLA report
FN-2163 New Feature Implement upgrade functionality for DCML applications
FN-2191 New Feature Provide upgrade functionality for (1.0.0 – 1.0.6) to 1.0.7
FN-1044 Improvement Toughen rebuild/reorganize/update statistics job error recovery procedure
FN-1278 Improvement Add ‘SQL Connection Test’ string to datasources
FN-2130 Improvement Refactor FALM to use NIO
FN-2131 Improvement Increase default trial period from 10 to 30 days
FN-2146 Improvement Reject data coming over the REST interface if there is not enough disk space left
FN-2148 Improvement Update Index and Stats reports insufficient permissions
FN-2150 Improvement FADC should handle out of disk space situations before they actually cause problems
FN-2157 Improvement Enable the Archived Logfiles Management per default
FN-2160 Improvement APML application should pass the Server-ID to the extension points
FN-2161 Improvement Basic IP Address views
FN-2169 Improvement Better handling of pending imports
FN-2183 Improvement Upgrade Setup to latest version of install4j
FN-2185 Improvement Report creation for historic data
FN-2188 Improvement Make sure that the UPLOADEDFILES table only contains entries for files that have been uploaded correctly
FN-2194 Improvement Update JVM to 7u2
FN-2243 Improvement The size of the CLIENTIP column should be increased so that IP6 addresses can be stored
FN-2276 Improvement ‘Setting’ link in top right corner should be removed
FN-2277 Improvement Remove uneccesary warning messages from cleanupProperties script
FN-2279 Improvement Remove unnecessary files
FN-2088 Bug The FA keygen doesn’t work on Share*IT
FN-2116 Bug The Update Index and Stats job reports errors for each table it attempts to organise
FN-2123 Bug TAP reports causing ClassCastException and chain of errors
FN-2125 Bug Horizontal Axis labels rendering backwards
FN-2126 Bug TBC within accordion hangs at 67%
FN-2129 Bug When uploading an application the database type is not updated as defined on the configuration page
FN-2135 Bug Timeline components showing wrong month
FN-2139 Bug Manage the archive logs fails with FADCProgramException
FN-2145 Bug FADS will not use the files in the [app-name]-upgrade folder until the application is restarted
FN-2155 Bug Invalid log message about truncated value
FN-2159 Bug Activation lost after system ran out of disk space
FN-2162 Bug Unexpected parameter order while importing data
FN-2164 Bug Data truncation errors
FN-2165 Bug DCML field misalignment in CRASHPROTECTION table
FN-2167 Bug apps-server.jsp contains DNA code that should be removed
FN-2173 Bug “String or binary data would be truncated” error when importing certain fadc log files
FN-2179 Bug Cannot establish connection to MSSQL
FN-2180 Bug Archived Logfiles Management cannot cope with corrupt ZIPs
FN-2184 Bug Button should change to ‘Stop’ when manually executing a job
FN-2186 Bug ERROR [com.intergral.fusionanalytics.dc.config.DirectoryObserver2] An unexpected error occurred: Java heap space
FN-2190 Bug FADC reschedules files that have been already imported
FN-2193 Bug Activation period can get lost if FADC is started with a large number of files located in the import directories
FN-2195 Bug Incorrect positioning of Disk Usage message
FN-2196 Bug Data Volume Management job does not complete (in acceptable time)
FN-2197 Bug Annotation markers on overview screen are at wrong time
FN-2199 Bug [Application Scheduled Tasks] event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit
FN-2200 Bug All data input on SLA Report Configuration must be validated
FN-2201 Bug Arrange “Add From Users” list in SLA Report Configuration case-sensitive alphanumerically
FN-2202 Bug SLA Report Configuration should allow the user to select between a 5-day and 7-day week
FN-2203 Bug Fail/success prefix in SLA email subject should come after [fusionanalytics]
FN-2204 Bug SLA Report Configuration should allow the user to choose custom title to replace “SLA Report for”, and should use report name if one isn’t present
FN-2205 Bug SLA Report general fields should be reworded to be understandable to business customers
FN-2206 Bug SLA Report general data does not match breakdown data
FN-2207 Bug Previous Values on the SLA report should be implemented
FN-2208 Bug Average Request Execution Time in Domain Breakdown on the SLA Report should show units (ms)
FN-2209 Bug SLA Report status codes should be ordered numerically
FN-2210 Bug SLA Report status codes should include a description of what they are
FN-2211 Bug SLA Report main title should be wrapped properly when the title is longer than the 6-block box and start/time do not need hh:mm
FN-2212 Bug SLA Report general data block should be re-arranged to show matching pairs
FN-2213 Bug Outages crossing the midnight boundary are not displayed on SLA reports
FN-2214 Bug Create and add icons to SLA Report Configuration
FN-2215 Bug SLA Report needs updated icons for correct/incorrect thresholds
FN-2216 Bug SLA Report Configuration Rename and Copy buttons are not functional
FN-2218 Bug SLA Report general data blocks have uneven widths
FN-2219 Bug SLA thresholds do not allow blank values
FN-2220 Bug Update Request Status logs an ArithmeticException if the request table is empty
FN-2221 Bug Previous percentage on SLA Report should be formatted as percentage and should show 100% instead of 100.0%
FN-2222 Bug Time allowed for an outage to be considered a real midnight-crossing outage should be increased to 7.5 seconds
FN-2223 Bug Global average execution time should be calculated from total requests instead of average of averages from domains
FN-2224 Bug Tooltips should be added to any components in the SLA Report configuration that need a description
FN-2225 Bug Custom email fields in SLA Report configuration should be increased
FN-2226 Bug Weekly report options should be changed to display the days they will run, and Sunday to Sunday should be added
FN-2227 Bug SLA Report configuration tabs should have blue text when hovered instead of white
FN-2228 Bug Add From Users table in SLA Report configuration should be longer and match the width of the custom email fields
FN-2229 Bug Custom email title field in SLA Report configuration should be 50% longer
FN-2230 Bug Quarterly option should be removed from SLA Report configuration for this release
FN-2231 Bug Threshold values on SLA Report Configuration should be aligned right
FN-2232 Bug Disable threshold target field if not enabled on SLA Report configuration
FN-2233 Bug Fix threshold description text on SLA Report Configuration
FN-2234 Bug Threshold default values should be added to SLA Report configuration
FN-2235 Bug If no threshold is defined for the SLA Report, show “No target defined” in target field instead of hiding it
FN-2236 Bug A threshold without an enabled target on the SLA Report should show the grey icon instead of the tick
FN-2237 Bug “View in Analytics” link for status codes should be removed and replaced with percentage column
FN-2238 Bug “Investigate” link in SLA Report for outages should be implemented
FN-2239 Bug Bracers in Add From Users table on SLA Report configuration should not show empty brackets if no email address is configured
FN-2240 Bug SLA Report Configuration threshold tab should show that those are daily thresholds
FN-2241 Bug Previous Values on the SLA report use 7-day thresholds when 5-day week is selected
FN-2244 Bug Usernames that are not url-friendly cause issues in the Add From Users table in SLA Report Configuration
FN-2245 Bug Placemark grouping problem
FN-2247 Bug Previous and Target fields on SLA Report are not aligned
FN-2248 Bug FusionAnalytics server (FADS & FADC) does not appear to open in IE 64bit
FN-2249 Bug Using Ajax to reload sections of the configuration page causes rendering issues in other areas
FN-2250 Bug Add final interface tweaks for SLA Report Configuration
FN-2251 Bug Add final appearance tweaks to SLA Report
FN-2252 Bug The target number for the “Number of outages should not exceed” is not saved correctly
FN-2253 Bug Errors in FADC application uploads cause upload dialog and different errors to be displayed
FN-2254 Bug Duplicate user error in either FADS or SLA
FN-2255 Bug SLA Reports Dates are in German (local timezone)
FN-2256 Bug All threshold icons in the SLA Report Configuration have the same tooltip
FN-2257 Bug Incomplete exception/error messaging when upgrading an application in FADS
FN-2258 Bug FADS Application upgrade problems until server restart
FN-2260 Bug Data Volume Management job uses DBTIMEFROM instead of DT column when deleting data from the JDBC table
FN-2261 Bug If both an ongoing midnight-outage and non-midnight outage exist on one report, the ongoing outage will use the duration of the total downtime
FN-2265 Bug Outages on SLA Report should be listed in the order they occurred
FN-2266 Bug SLA Report should not show in “Reports” as only email implementation will be in this release
FN-2267 Bug Error when attempting to parse a request URL written in short format
FN-2270 Bug Report configurations with the dot character cannot be configured
FN-2273 Bug Daylight savings caused SLA report to run for the day before it was supposed to if clocks were changed
FN-2274 Bug Runtime Information occasionally shows wrong number of processing files
FN-2280 Bug Help links “What is T.A.P?” in TAP report are incorrect and pointing to the wrong documentation version
FN-2282 Bug Daily and weekly won’t run together
FN-2283 Bug Monthly report does not run correctly
FN-2284 Bug Monthly outage target displays as 0E-10
FN-2286 Bug Default prefix should be added to SLA report email heading when one or more targets were not met
FN-2287 Bug Uptime target on SLA Report shows 100% if target is 99.001% or higher
FN-2292 Bug Duplicate TAP entries in TAP table
FN-2293 Bug FADC displays 00:59:50 as starting time for imports that are about to start
FN-2294 Bug Uploading a bogus file can make the import hang
FN-2297 Bug Stopping all DataCollectors also stops currently executing jobs
FN-2300 Bug Stopping an application while archives are unpacked in the background can result in wrong value for waiting archives
FN-2301 Bug Import performance degradation when doing bulk imports

Issue Details

Type: Technote
Issue Number: FNS-26
Components: Setup
Resolution: Fixed
Added: 22/03/2012 14:30:08
Affects Version: 1.0.2
Fixed Version: 1.0.2
Related Issues:
  • FNS-22 – FusionAnalytics 1.0.1 Release Notes
  • FNS-28 – FusionAnalytics 1.0.3 Release Notes