Over 25,000 Licenses Sold to 5000+ Happy Customers
Adobe recommends professional 3rd party CF add-ons such as FusionReactor and FusionDebug, which enhance and extend the ColdFusion platform
Ben Forta
Director of Developer Relations, Adobe Systems, Inc.
FusionAnalytics is supreme – its going to change the way everyone is able to look at their servers
Andy Allan
Founder, Fuzzy Orange
I’ve recently purchased FusionReactor, FusionAnalytics and FusionDebug from you, and I could not be happier with the products you guys create. There is nothing out there that compares to what you guys have built.
Roland Collins
CTO, InvestEdge
I think FusionAnalytics is “hands down” the best flex/adobe air app I have ever seen. From your installers, to the web & Flex/AIR User Interface – everything is absolutely brilliant – quality like this, really separates you guys from the pack!
Brook Davies
Logiforms.com Inc
FusionAnalytics takes the data and gives you information which you can act on, which is just awesome